The Following Are Testimonials Written About My Book: Turning Trials Into Triumphs–The Way of the Phoenix
This moving, insightful book gives you the ideas and inspiration to overcome adversity in any area of your life. —Brian Tracy, International Best-Selling Author: The Way to Wealth

“It’s not the difficult circumstances in our life that determines who we are; it’s what we make of ourselves despite them. Let this book show you a path to greatness.” —Patrick Snow, International Best-Selling Author: Creating Your Own Destiny

Turning Trials into Triumphs by Phoenix, is an unforgettable self-improvement memoir that reflects one woman’s spiritual quest and journey toward healing. As a survivor of unspeakable abuse she passes along what has helped her not only survive and thrive but triumph over all of life’s challenges.
This book chronicles not only Phoenix’s own journey towards healing from multiple forms of abuse and emotional trauma—and becoming a bodyworker—but the recovery methods that have worked for others. In no way is this book merely a personal rant against a history of surviving “personal” violence. It is written as a universal story for anyone who has confronted spiritual abuse and freed themselves from its tenacious grip.
Phoenix gives her reader not only a profoundly moving story of personal courage, survival, and the transformative power of a loving spirituality, she gives them tools (in workbook form) to work through their own doubts, fears, obstacles, memories, failures and personal horrors. The book is full of Phoenix’s wit, hope, and honest foibles as well as her fresh (alongside tried and true) ideas for change.
Bodywork features strongly throughout this work but most thoroughly near the book’s end. Phoenix’s own experience of bodywork helped her not only recall and release horrific memories of childhood abuse, it helped her uncover her calling—something she believes was God’s particular wish for her. She writes, “My belief and faith in God and my understanding of [this book’s] principles gave me the courage to persevere in my trials. I believe they will give you inspiration to tackle your challenges.”
Turning Trials into Triumphs offers quite a bit of spiritual language: words of hope, forgiveness, compassion and understanding of why people (and especially children) suffer. And yet not one line of her faith-filled testimony is spoken as the final “Truth” (with a capital “T”). Rather, her Christian framework is very inclusive and sensitive to diverse religious, racial, sexual and ethnic groups.
As a scholar of religion, gender and violence myself, I found Phoenix’s vision for transforming violence through various self-improvement methods and skillful therapies to be a supportive complement to cultural and social understanding of violence in modern culture. Turning Your Trials into Triumphs teaches us more about love, spirituality, trauma, truth telling, and hope than all the self-help books combined. It is one of the bravest, most honest books I’ve read in years. Most importantly, this book is written for her readers even as much as it is spiritual journey of the heart. I applaudPhoenix’s candidness and perseverance in her steadfast pursuit of the power of healing.Phoenix’s readers will be as helped as they will be blessed by her triumphs over her own trials. — Jennifer Manlowe, Ph.D, Psychology and World Religion, Author of: Faith Born of Seduction: Sexual Trauma, Body Image and Religion (NYU Press, 1995).

“I have known Phoenix for more than a decade and watched her transform her life. Her book is a creative guide to getting what you most want by playing whatever cards you are dealt skillfully and with understanding. All your past failures can give you a tremendous personal advantage if you apply the lessons of wisdom to be learned from each experience, and this book can show you how.” —Fredric Lehrman, Author: Prosperity Consciousness; How to Tap Your Unlimited Wealth.

“I could feel this book’s positive energy as I opened to the first page! The depth of emotional wisdom thatPhoenixshares is quite life altering. This book will guide you to the brave place where transformation takes place. I couldn’t put it down!” —Shannon S. Carlson, Author: Living Your Life In Balance: How to Achieve Happiness and Inspire Integrity Within

“Turning Trials into Triumphs is a wonderful read for all who have dealt with adversity in life and seek new tools for use in coping with that adversity”. —Marnie Dominy M.S., Author: Choosing Your Healthy Path: How to achieve wellness and weight loss by following a successfully proven plan.

“This is not your ordinary self-help book! Phoenix peels back the outer, public layer of our lives to look at the underlying emotional turmoil and painful experiences that block many of us from enjoying our lives. Since we all will experience problems, she believes it’s how we choose to respond to them that determines whether or not we will experience true happiness. After reassuring us that not every trial or adversity is self-inflicted, Phoenix courageously shares some of the traumatic experiences she has overcome. Then she gives us healing steps to follow and guidance to overcoming our own. She believes if we listen to our intuition and connect with the divine, we can overcome even crippling adversity and find and live our true life purpose.
In addition to traditional therapy, she has also used and thinks many can benefit from music therapy, aromatherapy, lucid dreaming, and bodywork. Whether you are getting out of caustic relationships or transcending how you were parented, she believes we all have more resilience than we think we have. By reading this book you will find your own triumphant strength and will be a witness to Phoenix’s belief in the timeless truth that we are not tried above what we are able to bear. This book is a powerful series of stories and tested advice.” —Flora Morris Brown Ph.D, Author: Color Your Life Happy: Create the Success, Abundance and Inner Joy You Deserve

“Author writes straight from the heart. This compelling read is full of heart-warming stories of how to stand up and be counted – even if it is only by yourself! Full of action steps anyone can use to make his or her life better. “Helpful for anyone who wants to develop the principle of emotional self-reliance. Thoughtful commentary on how to make bad things better. “Do you feel like a puppet on a string, and someone else is pulling the strings? This book can help!” —Karen Evans, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, Licensed Psychologist
“I have known Phoenix now for many years now. We have exchanged thoughts and ideas and memories; some more painful than any human should have to endure. I believe she has put into words one of the most comprehensive guidelines to healing I have ever read. This is a God inspired message to all of humanity. I feel that anyone can read this book and bring from its message the answers they have been seeking– that peace and fulfillment that life today drains from us.Phoenix has provided both an emotional and physical guideline for growth and rebirth. I pray that everyone finds this message as uplifting as I did. Phoenix, I thank you with all that I am for what you have given back to mankind. Well done Ma’am! I have never been more proud of any student ever! You are the example to follow Ma’am.” Again well done!” —Ken Tork, Black Belt Karate Instructor
“Get ready to be inspired to take positive action and realize your full potential! This book has a wealth of inspiring ideas for every personality, and relevancy for every life. For those who are generally proactive with life, re-fuel and gain new ideas and introspection here! For those feeling the overwhelming hopelessness of your impossible situation; here are the instructions for taking control. You CAN re-shape your future; open your mind and prepare to see a whole new world of possibilities. Step up to the challenge of creating your new life!” —Rebecca Morgenroth, Realtor
“Phoenix writes with authenticity and courage. Her story of triumph is one of inspiration and hope combined with real-life applications you can begin using today! It is full of great strategies for making immediate and lasting changes in your life.” —Kelly Buchanan, BS, Licensed Massage Practitioner